March 19, 2009

Suicide Pact

I found these two birds, four feet apart, just below my office window.

New Plates

February 8, 2009

Earthlink Sucks

We've had Earthlink DSL and phone for about two years and everything was fine until the start of December. In the past we had noticed transient drop-outs in our DSL whenever there was a heavy rain but as the dropouts became more persistent we started to call Earthlink Customer Support.

Each call could take from 5 to 7 hours. They never had any record of the previous call even though the issue was not resolved. The Customer Support reps could do nothing for you until you had performed all the steps in their script each time.

After a month, we were able to persuade them that the phone line was at fault and a technician was sent to confirm this. A follow-up visit from a phone company tech fixed the line, but our problems still persisted. Finally, someone at Earthlink said, "Didn't you check our website? We've had problems with the NIDs in your area for weeks."

The best offer we had from them was to give us a credit towards our next month's bill. We won't get that credit because we cancelled our contract last week, switched to Sonic and couldn't be happier.

August 8, 2007

iPhone Accelerometer

Accelerometers have come of age. Not so long ago, they cost the earth (or around $30) and output either a voltage or a duty cycle which tied up an ADC channel or a timer.

The LIS302, used in the Apple iPhone, is a much sweeter proposition. It has an SPI/I2C interface allowing you to read off the values directly. There are two configurable interrupt outputs which can be set to alert you when a certain threshold has been reached on the X,Y or Z axes, or when the device was tapped or double-tapped.

It's a Wii controller on a chip and only $10 in ones from Digikey.

June 18, 2007

Essential Reading

Some required reading that you're unlikely to come across in a bookshop.

The Self as a Center of Narrative Gravity, a compelling explanation of consciousness.

Vannevar Bush, As we May Think, astonishing prescience from 1945.

There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom, Richard Feynman ... which you've read already ... ?

June 2, 2007

Larry's Yard Sale


Serendipitously, passed Larry's house as he was having a garage sale. Not for sale were the contents of the actual garage: an immaculate E-type, an Austin Healey in the process of renovation, an early electric Volkswagen and a groovy dune buggy.

June 1, 2007

Road Rocket

I spotted this vanity tag on a pretty Lotus Elise shortly before I passed it.

May 29, 2007

California poppy

May 27, 2007


I was killing some time, walking between haircut and bookshop and BestBuy when I passed a car dealership. They had one I liked, so, after a suitable period of negotiation, I bought it.

Fortunately, I passed up they opportunity to drive the car first. The salesman took us for a drive instead. This was a clever move in retrospect. If I'd actually driven the car I wouldn't have bothered to haggle over the price.

After dinner, I went for a little rip down the 280 to Colma and bought a cheap laptop. Same color as the car.

Happy consumer, I.

May 5, 2007

Box Shop Visit

Called in at the Box Shop to meet some of the people building OrbSwarm. I found myself volunteering for this because they need help, I know some people involved and it was just too cool. They have an mechanical prototype constructed and running around in order to see where their plans conflict with reality.

They definitely know what they're doing, having made the "Serpent Mother" for BurningMan last year. Dozens of stainless-steel conjoined segments of the "Serpent Mother" were glinting in the sun outside.